Yoga Articles

Analysis of Halasana

Halasana also known as the plough pose.Hala meaning “Plough” and Asana = “posture”. It is can also be called a forward bend while lying on your back which helps to strength the spine and make it more flexible. It is usually done as a continuation of Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). Benefits

Why you can’t do Reverse Prayer if you have BIG muscles

Reverse prayer, also otherwise known as Penguin Pose or Pashchima Namaskarasana. It helps to improve flexibility in the shoulders, arms, wrists, chest and back. Supposedly easy to learn, and quick to do – for most. However for some, it looks like they have to pop their arms out to achieve

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Pronounced: utt-HEE-tuh AH-stuh PAH-DAHN-goo-St-HAH-suh-nuh This pose is a powerful one, and one I always anticipate when doing the primary series.  It’s the first posture that requires 3 things of the body; strength, flexibility, and balance.  It’s the pose that distinguishes the regular practitioners and the casual student.  It tests your

Towards a Better Frog – A Technical Analysis

   Frog on the ledge, contemplating life [1] Ah, downward facing frog. So deceptively simple. So excruciatingly painful. The thought of sitting through another minute of it makes me consider just ending it all.  Does absolute wonders for your hips though.   Frog Pose – Overview Not to be confused

Chaturanga dandasana: Simple but challenging

Chaturanga dandasana is an often practiced but frequently under-appreciated asana in yoga. In my own experience, I had been practicing yoga for several years before I had a teacher spend time in class to break down the pose and explain all the parts that go into getting it right. Before

Hypermobility in Yoga

Have you ever wondered how are some people so naturally flexible? They can walk into a yoga class and without warming up go into a full forward fold. These people may be hypermobile. While they can perform asanas that require flexibility effortlessly, they are also at risk of injuring themselves.

Food for thought

The nutrition is directly linked to the performance of asanas and our lifestyle in general. The yogi diet is based on Ayurvedic teachings. Some products are strictly forbidden by them, others are consumed in small quantities and in a certain period of time, and third yogis eat constantly. Three types

Yoga or Pilates?

For many people , Yoga and Pilates look very similar – there are no power or cardio loads, exercises are performed slowly and consciously , with calm music. Pilates and yoga are wellness systems that include exercises to develop flexibility, endurance, and concentration. Regular exercises tidy up the body, allow

Getting Into Navasana

While seated on mat, lean body back along median plane Flex at hips to raise legs off ground along median plane Body should now be in a V shape Flex at shoulders to raise arms along median plane, to a parallel position with the floor  

Getting Into Baddha Konasana

Sit with legs out along median plane Lateral rotation of both thighs to bring legs away from median plane Bringing both soles along the transverse plane towards each other, place heels close to the groin. Press soles of feet together. Extend spine up along the coronal plane. With back straight,
