
Yoga Articles

Growing through hardships

In Patanjali’s Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, the second limb (Niyama) discusses freedom from all observances. Some of the greatest shackles of our minds lie in our experiences and perceptions of the physical world – how we perceive our bodies, emotions, and challenges in life – and how we let

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Pronounced: utt-HEE-tuh AH-stuh PAH-DAHN-goo-St-HAH-suh-nuh This pose is a powerful one, and one I always anticipate when doing the primary series.  It’s the first posture that requires 3 things of the body; strength, flexibility, and balance.  It’s the pose that distinguishes the regular practitioners and the casual student.  It tests your

Basics of Pranayama

Yoga is beyond asanas. According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is an eight-fold path leading to liberation, known as the ‘Ashtanga Yoga System’ or ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’.

My Love Hate Relationship with Yoga

I chanced upon yoga a few years back when a new yoga studio opened just 5 minutes from where I stayed. I went for their open house during their grand opening and signed up for a one-year package. Took my first hot yoga and fell in love with it. That

Yoga was about physical exercise for me

Yoga is more than just a form of physical exercise. The modern understanding of yoga does great injustice to it. If you ask any other person on the street about their understanding of the word, there is a high chance that their replies would generally be that it is a


Yamas The first of the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga (or Raja) Yoga is the Yamas. The word Yama in Sanskrit translates in to English loosely to mean Restraint. Thus the first Limb of the practice of Ashtanga is to restraint in how you deal with the world outside of yourself.

Inspirational video

If he can do it, why can’t you? [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448&w=640&h=360]

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is the eight-folded path of yoga. It is a specific yoga tradition, but at the same time Ashtanga Yoga can be seen as covering all aspects of yoga within any yoga tradition. Ashtanga Yoga is often called Patanjali Yoga, referring to Maharishi Patanjali, the ancient author of the
