
300hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

An Inspiration For Best Living. Take another step further.

Tirisula Yoga’s 300hr Advanced Yoga TTC  is catered for those who want to deepen their base knowledge, teach with more vigour, intricacy and details. Focus areas :

  • on developing the steps rather than jumping into final pose,
  • expand the repertoire by multidimensional sequencing,
  • specific and precise alignment concepts,
  • learning to instruct advanced poses by breaking down the poses to simple manageable steps
  • individualised mentoring
  • advance asana practice
  • details and analysis of Yoga Philosophy
  • dharana techniques and meditation from the Shiva Sutras
  • advanced healing pranayama techniques from the traditional texts
  • Ayurvedic concepts
  • Yoga therapy for bodily conditions like arthritis, scioliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid issues and many more
  • Detailed analysis and application of Patanjali Yoga Sutra

The 300hrs YTT is open to all yoga practitioners who have completed their 200hr Yoga Teacher Training who intend to advance their practice as well as improve their teaching modality and consulting techniques.

Curriculum Highlights

•Beyond the Basics of Asanas – where to focus energy and origin of movement

•The Alchemy of Yoga and Positive Transformation

•Multi-dimensional Sequencing – Advanced Techniques

•Holistic Alignment Concepts

•Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology

•Therapeutically Oriented- Adaptations of Yoga

•Guiding Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga

•Advanced Verbal and Physical Assisting

•Enhancing Observation Skills

•Energetic Anatomy and Prana Vidya

•Practice and Teaching of Meditation and Pranayama

•Non-Dual Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Sutras

•Applying Ayurveda to the Asanas and other practices

Focus is on “Yoga as a Learning and Experiential Journey” rather than an one-off thing.

In a nutshell…

Graduates receive the Tirisula Yoga 300 Hr Advanced Yoga TTC. 

Yoga teachers are trained on how to teach the traditional Ashtanga Primary/Secondary Series

A comprehensive study of kinesiology is incorporated into the detailed study of alignment. 

Students learn hands-on manual adjustment techniques used in the Mysore tradition.

Get higher fees for the classes taught after graduation


Opportunity to teach at Tirisula’s existing and new studios




Participants should have completed a 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course.


Recommended Readings:

**The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by BKS Iyengar

** Bhagavad Gita by Paramahamsa Yogananda

** Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmarama

** Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

** The Vigyana Bhairava Tantra, Shiva Sutras




Practice and Theory (in studio)100
Attending Tirisula Yoga Classes (in studio)
to be completed any time from the day of registration to within 1 month from the last day of the course
Pranayama and Meditation (Self-practice)30
Self-study and reading of texts50
Yoga Therapy Project + one-to-one teaching40 
Presentation (includes research, preparation and actual presentation)20 
Co-teaching with Master Trainer 6
Teaching hours (at any venue) 24