Yoga & Chakras

What are the Chakras, what are they for?

Our body has 7 chakras, they are source of energy that governs different aspects. Our daily approach to life as well as meditation can have an impact on the way our chakras function, the speed they move and the energy they can provide us.

When describing Chakras we start by the root chakra which is Muladhara located at the bottom of the spine.




Element: Earth

Color: Ruby Red

Sound: Lam / 396Hz 

Sense: Smell


Life governance:

This about the basic of your life, fundamental needs such as food for the body and mind. It is also about your security (physical or financial), identity as human being (sex, race…) and sense of belonging such as family, religions, community. Your earliest memories are stored in here.


Typical signs of an unbalanced Muladhara chakra are when you have trouble of self-esteem or self-destructive behaviors. However when your chakra is going well you feel strong and confident.



Svadhisthana (Sacral or Pelvic Chakra)


Element: Water

Color: Orange

Sound: Yam / 417Hz 

Sense: Tast


Life governance:

This chakra is strongly linked with the sexual organs. It represents the fertility as well as fluidity and creativity. This is also about physical obsession or addiction like drugs, alcohol, food, sex, body appearance, etc…


When this chakra is unbalanced you feel emotionally unstable you might experience jealousy, arrogance, guilty or you may be hard on yourself. If balanced you feel creative, positive and receptive to changes.


Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)


Element: Fire

Color: Yellow

Sound: Ram / 528Hz 

Sense: Sight


Life governance:

It is where the different power are coming from. It can be manipulation, self-controls, the controls on the others or being controlled by other(s).


When Manipura is not right you can experiment fears, low self-esteem and feel stagnant in your life. You can also feel obsession with gaining power and control. When balances you will feel in control of your life, be confident and take action in a productive and successful way.


Anahata (Heart Chakra)


Element: Air

Color: Bright Green

Sound: Yam / 639Hz

Sense: Touch


Life governance:

This is the chakra of philanthropy, Anahata is about unconditional love (familial, self,divine, romantic and platonic), compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Giving without waiting anything in return.


When heart chakra is blocked you might experiment feeling of rejection, possessiveness or other form of relationship disorders. Relationship attachments, addictions and obsessions are the causes of swollen chakra.


Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)


Element: Ether

Color: Blue

Sound: Ham / 741 Hz

Sense: Sound


Life governance:

It is about your general relationship with others. More we know how we function with others better our relationship can build up. This is about how we are listening to others and how we communicate to them. This is also about Judgment and commitments in relationship.

If you are overly talkative and not listening to people you might have your Vishuddha unbalanced.


Anja (Third-Eye Chakra)


Element: Light

Color: Indigo

Sound: OM / 852Hz

Sense: all


Life governance:

This chakra is important as it has a governance on all other chakras. The Third -Eye Chakra is about intuition and sixth senses.


When this chakra is in trouble you may having mental problems and having obsession with logic, you might also become cynical and untrusting. 

When it is tune, you may feel confident to face any life challenges.


Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)


Element: Cosmic Energy

Color: Violet or White

Sound: OM / 963Hz

Sense: NA


Life governance:

This is about your spiritual you. The understanding of yourself beyond your physical shell.

When this chakra is blocked you believe that happiness can only come from the outside and it make you perpetually unsatisfied. But when it is balanced you are feeling deeply happy and satisfied.


How does it work?

In an esoteric way the shape of a chakra is triangular when still. In movement, and it is how it should be, the chakra turn on a horizontal way witch make it look round with the speed – a little bit as if you look a fan. For men, the root chakra Muladhara turn clockwise, then as you are going up into the different chakras the rotation alternate anti-clockwise, clockwise… For Women it starts with anti-clockwise at Muladhara and goes as well with alternate rotation.


How to unlock your chakras with Mudra Chakra?

Sanscrit meaning of Mudra is “gestures”. The Mudras can be facial, body or hands gesture that are tools to work on your chakras. It can be used during Pranayama (breathing exercise) or meditation. For instance, a popular Mudra that is practiced in almost every Yoga studio is Aka Namaste, when the hands are in prayer position when we start and finish a session. 

Gesture with the hands have different actions whether it is performed by the right or left hand so it must be precise. Different gesture may apply to different people and for specific chakras. You must define first on what you wish to work on an then chose the appropriate Mudra that will balance your chakra(s). 


Is there any other way of balancing our chakras?

You can use sounds as every chakra respond to specific frequency. Colors, herbs, crystals and stones are also a way to stimulate your chakra during meditation.


How often our chakras need to be balanced?

Chakras must be stimulated daily for an optimum quality of life.

By Celine F – March 2018