Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadra was a super being created by Shiva to avenge Shiva’s wife, Sati’s death.
Daksa, Shiva’s father-in-law, organized a banquet for a great sacrifice (Yagna) and did not invite Shiva and Sati. Greatly humiliated, Sati went to the banquet and self immolated by invoking yogic flames.
Shiva was enraged to hear the news of his wife’s violent death, tore a hair out of his head and threw it down to floor, hence Virabhadra was created.
According to ancient text, Virabhadra entered the Yagna by thrusting his way up from deep underground with his sword held over his head un both hands – a feat re-enactment in the posture Virabhadrasana 1.
Anatomically Virabhadrasana 1 has:

  1. Spinal extension
  2. Shoulder flexion, slight abduction of the scapulae, and extension of the elbow.
  3. Front leg: Hip flexion, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion
  4. Back Leg: Hip extention with internal rotation, knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion and supination

Having meniscus injury on my right knee, warrior poses have help me a lot in gaining muscle strengh around injured knee areas. It is necessary so that to prevent further injury. Generally for meniscus-injured patient, mobility exercises, strengthening exercises and functional exercises are recommended. Mobility exercises to increase knee joint’s range motion. Strengthening exercises to build stability and functional exercises to bridge the gap between rehabilitation and returning to full sport fitness. However, everyone’s body is different hence do consult doctor before doing any exercises.
Juliati Surya (200 hr YTT Weekend Class Aug ‘15)