The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Aparigraha (Part 2)


When we let the moment be what it is without either trying to cling to it, or to push it away, we can really say we’re living in that moment, allowing things to come and go, without the need to possess any of it.

In essence, this fifth Yama from the Eight Limbs of Yoga by Patanjali is about generosity, non-possessiveness and letting go of our attachments and understanding that impermanence is the only constant. It teaches us to exercise restraint from possessing or holding on to anything that does not serve us – be it earthly objects and desires or emotional baggage.

Relating this to our yoga practice – progress in practice is encouraging, but it need not be the only reward. Practice is supposed to be nourishing mentally, physically and spiritually. If we let go of fixation on achieving more on the mat, we just might find more happiness.

I end this post with a poem that I feel serves as a simple yet powerful and deep reminder for us to recognise and appreciate the magic of this present moment without yearning for anything more.


These few words are enough.

If not these words, this breath.

If not this breath, this sitting here.

This opening to life

we have refused

again and again

until now.

Until now.

(David Whyte from Where Many Rivers Meet)