Yoga Articles

Cardiac coherence and Ujjayi breath: when old meets new

The impact of breathing on the nervous system has long been established. Increasing the inhalation volume and the respiratory rate will act on the sympathetic autonomous nervous system, which will activate the body: increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, sweating… Conversely, increasing the exhalation volume and reducing the respiratory rate will act

UTTANASANA (Deep standing forward bend)

Meaning: Intense stretch –  This is one of the poses within the sun salutation sequence Dristi: Nosetip Preparation poses: 1)   Paschimottanasana  (West posterior stretch pose) 2)   Ardha Uttanasana (Standing half forward bend) 3)   Forward bend leaning on a chair 4)   Uttanasana with knees bent, then slowly engage quads to straighten

Calming the Rajasic Mind with Ujjayi Breath

One of the reasons I started practicing yoga regularly is the effect that I noticed yoga has on me in terms of helping me relieve stress. No matter what stress burdens I carry into the yoga practice, I always come back from svasana feeling more centered and calm. Always. When

Maintain your relationships by Ujjayi breathing

Now back to the main part. So how do you maintain your relationship? You want to get the your the other half to listen and at the same time hear you out instead of putting you down all the time. This is the practice known as “Ujjayi” breathing or pranayama
