Sweet potato, the Super Food

Practice yoga usually lead us to mindful eating habit. Here, I am going to share some information about my favourite food, sweet potato. It is super healthy and tasty!

 Sweet potato, potato and yam are three botanically different plants. Unlike potato which is tuber, sweet potato is root vegetable. It is full of beta carotene which is used to produce vitamin A for our body. It is also packed with vitamin C and E. It has abundant of antioxidant nutrients (especially the purple-fleshed) and anti-inflammatory nutrients.  Sweet potatoes can be divided into three colour groups, purple-fleshed, orange-fleshed and white-fleshed. The beta-carotene content in orange-fleshed sweet potato is proportional to its flesh colour intensity.
A good sweet potato is firm, and without cracks. It should be stored in cool, ventilated place but not in fridge.
Below are some quick serving tips extracted from The World Healthiest Foods website:
1. Puree cooked sweet potatoes with bananas, maple syrup, cinnamon. Top with walnuts as its fat content allows optimal absorption of beta-carotene in sweet potato.
2. Steam cubed sweet potatoes, tofu and broccoli. Mix in raisins and serve hot or cold with curried vinaigrette dressing.
3. Baked sweet potatoes are delicious even when served cold. Good choice for packed lunch.
The World Healthiest Foods website: http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?dbid=64&tname=foodspice
Tong Wei, Nov 2015