Headstand – King of Asanas!

It’s a love hate relationship when it comes to headstand! Before this, I always thought that headstand is just another fancy BEGINNER’s pose. To my horror, I was so wrong. To be honest, it is not that unachiveable but at the same time it is not as easy as it seems to be.
The benefits of headstand turns out not to be just an instagrammable photo but has a lot more awesome benefits to it. As it activates our pituitary gland, it further regulate other glands like thyroid, adrenal,etc. Through the journey of learning headstand, the numerous falls is nothing to shout about, compared to the patience, strength, concentration and perseverance that I gained.
We emerged to be stronger both mentally and physically and most importantly experienced the generosity of my course mates sharing tips, guidance and spending time to guide those that are still struggling with the pose.
At the time of writing, I still have not perfected my headstand but I know I’m getting close! Fighting 💪🏻