Yoga Articles

Parsvottanasana (with hands in Reverse Namaskar)

This is an intermediate asymmetrical forward-bending standing pose that will focus on working the pelvic floor, lower leg muscles, subscapularis, teres minor, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, lower, mid-, and upper trapezius.  Stretching and lengthening will take place in the gluteus maxims, soleus and gastrocnemius, infraspinatus, teres minor, serratus anterior, anterior deltoids,


Generally found toward the end of a standing series, Garudasana can be a fantastic strengthening, stretching, and balancing pose.  It also has several therapeutic applications, such as, relieving symptoms of asthma, lower backaches, and sciatica. Getting in to the pose: From Tadasana, bend your legs slightly, lift your left foot,

Relaxing in Halasana (Plow Pose)

Halasana is so named because the basic shape of the pose literally resembles a traditional plow, a farming tool found in Indian cultures. Halasana frequently follows the practice of saravangasana (shoulder stand) and forms part of the ‘finishing sequence’ in the Ashtanga series. There are many benefits to practicing Halasana that

Perfection in Poses?

Wouldn’t it be convenient if all things in life were effortless?  I am in a constant state of striving for effortlessness, in many aspects of my life, but especially in my Asana practice.  I love to watch Yogi’s on DVD or the Internet who move into and out of seemingly

Personal Transformation

It has been about 4 weeks since beginning the Yoga Teacher Training with Paalu and Satya in Vietnam.  During this time, I have felt somewhat of a transformation beginning again. Over the years, my yoga practice has taken various shapes and forms.  I would consistently practice for a year or

Yoga or Nothing

The title ‘Yoga or Nothing’ is not a philosophical one, but a practical one. It is my attempt to address an issue I encountered in my yoga practice. Amidst my tight schedule, I constantly struggle to find time to commit myself on the mat – to practice yoga. While there

Hip Opening Asanas

For those of us who are not full-time yoga teachers and have a day job in the office, we spend ALOT of time sitting down in front of the computer which inevitably causes our hip flexors to contract excessively. Over time, it loses its flexibility and length which may lead


During the teacher training, I have found the notes of the Ashtanga Yoga asanas in pictorial form that was provided for us very useful in my practice. It has not only helped me to remember the sequence of poses, but has also enable me to picture how each asana looks

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottasana

This pose is known as the half bound lotus forward bend. It is a great posture to stretch and increase the flexibility of the spine, calves, hamstring and the guteul muscles. It also tones our abdominal muscles as well as massages the abdominal organs thereby enhancing our digestion, aiding in
