Yoga Articles

Yoga Lesson plan for beginners plan 2

1. Ask the students if any of them have injuries or health problems. Also ask them how long they have been practicing yoga or what type of yoga. 2. Ask students to sit in any comfortable cross leg position, and chant three oms. 3. Guide students to breathe deeply from

Mixed brown rice salad

Ingredients 4 cups of cooked mixed brown rice 1 pack of deep fried tofu (tau kwa) 220g, chopped into 8mm cubes 1/2 small red onion, finely chopped 1 pack of small asparagus chopped into 1cm long 1 tomato chopped into 8mm cubes Rocket salad about 80g as much as you

My personal experience of santosha

Daily practice of asanas will even change your desire to deirelessness. That’s how I became a vegetarian. My body had changed internally by practicing asanas for about two years. It gradually became harder for me to digest meat, followed by shell fish, clams and fish properly. It was strange for

My story of sirsasana

Everybody likes to try upsidedown, well almost everybody. I also wanted to come up. When I first tried to come up to sirsasana 1 from the position; head down, knee up and on tip toes, my elbows kept rising up. The teacher watched me and told my shoulders were too

What makes a great yoga teacher (Reply to Paalu’s blog)

They say a good yoga teacher will transform you to the next level. I finally understand their words now. In my 3 years and a few months of yoga experience at one of big major commercial studios, it had not come until 7 months ago that I met a really

Yoga Intermediate class plan 2 (75 minutes)

1. Kapalabhati. 20times 3 rounds 2. Tadasana. Take deep10 ujjayi breaths. 3. Inhale arms up exhale uttanasana. Inhale half way up exhale bring right leg back, come up to high launch. Both arms up and bring them back opening shoulders in each inhalation, sink down from the hips in each

My time at Tirisula Yoga: Areerat

Taking on a 200 hour course I expected to learn a lot – and I did. Not just in lessons but in gaining experience and confidence to be able to teach others. This is an important thing for me as I never had this experience to do. It was challenging

Asana technique- Marichyasana A

Asana technique- Marichyasana A Sit in Dandasana Flex your right hip and knee and bring leg closer to your body. Heel should be placed about fist away from your left leg, foot is facing forward and knee is up Breath in and raise your right arm, stretch tall As you


Lesson plan for 1 hour class working towards HEAD STAND–    Sirsasana   Warm up Start warm up with slow movement and stretching of all body parts moving from head down to toes Neck Rolls Gentle neck Stretch Shoulder rolls in both direction Whole Arm rotation Wrist rolls and stretch Forward rolls

Lesson Plan: Beginner

Section Minutes Details Pre-class 5 Fill out forms covering previous injuries, legal disclaimer Ask students whether they have done yoga before, where, how long and what style Check flexibility with uttanasana and downward dog Introduction 5 Welcome to first Yoga class Anybody has any injuries, medical conditions that I should
