Yoga Articles

Steady Breath : Steady Mind

Pranayama is a compound word in Sanskrit composed of ‘prana’ + ‘ayama’. Pranayama is a process of regulating the intake and outflow of breath in a firmly established posture. When the flow of breath is observed through its natural phases of inhale-pause-exhale-pause, the breath becomes smoother and its effects more

Fourth of the Eight Limbs of Yoga – Pranayama

Pranayama is the fourth of the Eight Limbs of  Yoga, which is a practice of breath control in yoga, to purify the nadis (energy channel) and bring the energy to the unused or needed areas. The term is derived from the Sanskrit word, prana means the life force of energy

Pranayama As a Tool To Combat Hypertonia

In the modern world there are many typical diseases that have become so popular that people stopped really caring about them. Hypertonia or high blood pressure is one of them. Although many people don’t feel it at all and therefore don’t treat it, its influence can be slow and sly:

Should you meditate?

meditate /ˈmɛdɪteɪt/ verb focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.     Are you happy? Where do you derive happiness from? In this COVID-19 situation with a lot of negative

Pranayama -Kapalabhati

What is Pranayama? I had no idea pranayama was a thing until I join Tirisula Yoga Teacher Training Course. Yes, I did it before when I was attending yoga class but none of the instructor mention this breathing activity is called pranayama, and it can actually bring some positive impact

Pranayama for Singapore’s Hot Climate

What is Pranayama? If you are new to pranayama, you may have the misconception that I once had, that pranayama is only about breathing slowly, deeply and calmly. There is so much more to it. I learnt that there are many variations of pranayama with different techniques, counts, breathing ratio,

Kriya Yoga and its relation to Kapalabhati

Kriya yoga is an ancient type of meditation technique often referred to as the “Yoga of Action or Awareness”, that when practiced smart, accelerates one’s spiritual progress. The book titled “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda is known as one of the modern founders of Kriya yoga which was

Pranayama: the art of (not) breathing

As I reembarked on my new yoga journey at the beginning of the year, one of my prime resolution was to resume pranayama on a daily basis. As I informed my partner about my new routine, I was pleasantly surprised at his interest and understanding, and realized he had actually

Meditative Processes to Increase Well-Being

Meditation is an ancient technique that has been around for thousands of years. It includes the focus of your attention into your senses, such as hearing, vision, physical feelings, taste, and smells to calm the mind of jumbled thoughts. This practice is meant to eliminate stress and enhance emotional well

The Wimhof Method (The Ice Man)

Wim Hof, also known as The Ice Man, is a Dutch extreme athlete famous for his ability to withstand freezing temperatures. He holds world records for submerging his body in ice (swimming and a barefoot marathon on ice and snow). He attributes these feats a method he calls the Wim
