Yoga Articles

A Thank-You to my fellow students

I came late to this course. Originally enrolled in the week-day course, I was forced by a change in work to move to the weekends. I must admit a small case of nerves as I came to Tirisula that first day, worried that I would be left behind as friend

Yoga and Reconstruction: a story of Body and Mind

Ice-hockey, for those who might not have seen a game, yet alone played it, is a game of contrasts. It is a game of grace and speed, and it is a game of violence. And from a young age I was hooked on this sport of contrasts: this game of

How do you injure yourself in Yoga?

After 10+ years of martial arts training, I started feeling a force inside me pulling me back from vigorous training. I thought I was getting lazy, but with maturity and improved self-awareness, I realized it was my body trying to save itself. In past decade, I have been visiting physical

Five Reasons To Do Yoga Teacher Training

When I first confessed my desire to do the yoga teacher training course to my yoga teachers, they were all very encouraging and enthusiastic. Many of them told me that the course would change my life, and accounts of yoga teacher training on the Internet in general said pretty much

Between B R E A T H : 12” | RECONCILIATION (body)

Between B R E A T H : 12” | RECONCILIATION (body) . . What am I to you that so few knew, Your perception of me; a reflection of you. a name, a space, a face from a place, who then is this body that seemed so displaced.  

Between B R E A T H : 6” | INTROSPECTION (mind)

Between B R E A T H : 6” | INTROSPECTION (mind) . . A reflection in a window; A portrait in a mirror , A gaze, a smile a breath deeper . A penitent confession to the silhouette of unforgotten philosophies, Of pure feelings, blossom from the testaments of

Learning From My Teachers

31st July 2011 – 8:00pm “Did my practice today with TC, who is one of my favourite teachers. She always has very interesting anecdotes that she would tell us at the start of our classes, which would tie in with our practice. Today, she told us about the time she

The Ego, Injury and Self Awareness

I am what most people would categorise as a “Type A” personality; I am goal driven, competitive, ambitious and intense. When I first discovered yoga, I was so in love with it that I practiced excessively. I went for multiple back-to-back intensive classes daily, did not listen to my body

Letting go is the hardest Asana

As a training-to-be Yoga teacher, I’m very eager to wanna master all the difficult Asanas and be a role model for my future students. Very often, I was pushing myself too hard in class only to be pushed into injuries and feeling worse than when I first walked in to

Difficult Roads often leads to Beautiful Destination

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. The best is yet to come.” – Zig Ziglar This quote has been so applicable throughout the journey of my 200HR YTT course.  I started off  struggling through the never ending repetitions of Surya Namaskar, not able to hold a simple Downward Dog or
