Yoga Articles

Understanding your Chakras

Ever since I started YTT program, I’ve made an effort to develop my self-awareness and be more conscious of my surroundings. Other than practicing yoga and pranayama, learning about the chakras and knowing my chakra has definitely helped me gained a deeper understanding of myself emotionally, mentally and spiritually. There


While I was looking through my recipe ingredients list that I consumed daily and studying the 7 Chakra in deeper knowledge. I came to realise all this while I’ve consumed most of the food that related to the fifth Chakra – Visuddha. I am excited and hope I can share


My Chakras   Today we practiced the technique of scanning our Chakras. It was out of my expectation that the heat actually stronger at my Heart Chakra in sanskrit terms is called Anahata.    In Anahata the fourth chakra, Anahata chakra is located at the center of the chest closed

Why activate your Muladhara or root chakra and how?

Are you worried about basic needs such as food and rent? Do you feel unsettled and keep changing projects, jobs, places? Do you have an unstable relationship with your family? Do you react to stress with excessive eating or drinking behaviors? Those signs may indicate that your Muladhara or root

Rediscover Yourself Through Chakras

I believe Chakra is not an alien word to those who watched Naruto, a Japanese comic series. I was a huge fan of it and you can not imagine how badly I wanted to own a powerful Chakra as Naruto to perform Ninjutsu when I was young. I always thought Chakra was just created by

The Manipura Chakra and Your Self-Confidence

I’m sure everyone has had moments of self-doubt and anxiety. I’ve definitely had some of these moments too. When we were introduced to the different chakras I was intrigued to learn that these chakras can influence our behaviours, and even our physical wellbeing. When you are feeling a lack of

Finding the right essential oils

If you are a Naruto fan, you must have heard of “Chakra” powers! Chakra means “wheel” or “centers” of energy that are perpetually in motion along our spine. There are 7 main Chakras that possesses a colour and vibrational frequency. I love to imagine these wheels circling within the centre of

A Chakra Sequence

How can we balance the Chakras…   As I believe I need to balance my chakras as I guess there’s no harm in doing so. What would be the easiest way to do so?  There is of course meditation but as I am a very restless soul I find it

Chakra FAQ

What is Chakra? Chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel” (just like your Ardha Chakrasana (Half Wheel Pose)).  They are energy centres which connect to the vagus nerves – the main component of our body’s parasympathetic nervous system which practically connects everything.   How many chakras are there in our body? There
