Yoga Articles

My Backache

A few years ago, I woke up with a backache. Like any normal young adult, I decided to ignore it and went about my days. The pain grew over the months to the point where I could not sit for extended periods of time. I would drive and exit the

Yoga – a way of life

For the past few years I have always been inquisitive about the world of yoga. This ancient form of unifying one’s self with the universe had fascinated me. There are endless videos and articles on the benefits of yoga on physical and mental health. I slowly started my exploration by

Reflection of yoga teacher training journey

Joining the Yoga Techers training has always been at the back of my mind as I had so many questions on the poses and alignments. But understandably, studio instructors will never have enough time in an hour practice to explain all the theories behind what we do and the different

Yoga is not a sport

Yoga is not a sport.  It’s a culture and a way of life.  People would practice yoga are not in competition. They are not there to try to be better than you but rather, more often than not, will want you to be improve and be better.  You can often

My journey and it’s just the beginning

My YTT journey It has been almost 3 and a half weeks since I started this YTT training in Tirisula. When I first registered and began training here, I didn’t really know what to expect but I was hoping to deepen my practice and better understand the postures and it’s

The 84 billion dollar industry

According to some research, the yoga industry is worth over $84 billion worldwide and an average yogi spends $62,640 over his or her lifetime on classes, workshops, and accessories. Surprising? Not really. In the US, one of the biggest markets, the increase in the obese population and a better health

My YTT journey

I have been doing yoga on and off for about 4 years now. Some years, I get really into it and go for classes daily and some years, I go on the mat once every few months. After 4 years of classes in studios, I feel like my practise had

Sweet treat on a Sattvic Diet – Easy Vegan Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Going on a yogic/Sattvic diet can be difficult for some people especially if you have a sweet tooth like me! Sattvic diet does not only mean plant-based foods but also food that are rich in Prana (energy). Pranic foods are foods that are whole and unprocessed such as fresh fruits

Understanding Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti is a condition when there is a split between the two side of the rectus abdomens muscles. This condition usually develops during pregnancy, when the uterus stretches the muscles in the abdomen to make space for the growing baby. This is a simple test for diastasis recti: Lay

Yoga & Spin/Cycling – The Yin to my Yang

Prior to YTT, I lead a pretty active lifestyle by doing spinning and lifting weights daily. I love cycling, be it indoor or outdoor. I’m a self-confessed spinning addict and I go at least 4-5 times a week. I go to spin classes on the weekdays and on the weekends,
