Yoga Articles

Virabhadrasana II

Asana and Anatomy: Virabhadrasana 2 Anatony: External rotation of the right hip (when turning the right foot out 90 degrees). Protraction and retraction of scapulae when arms are extended. Contract muscles: Right leg: Quadriceps femoris,  abductors, Glutes Maximus (both legs), tibialis anterior, iliopsoas, Tensor fasciae latae. Arms:  Stretch the Aterior

Anatomy – Camel Pose

Agonist muscles The gluteus maximus muscles, the largest muscles that make up the buttocks contracts  The vastus lateralis, the biceps fermoris, the semitendinosus and the semimenbranus, collectively called                harmstring muscles at the back of the thighs contract The contraction of the above mucles make the forward movement of the hips.


Lie on back + Palms on ground facing down, extend arms beside the body Push on the palms (contract biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis) + lift the two legs up using momentum (contract ilioposoas, pectineus) Extend legs above head + parallel to the ground   Flex elbows +

Anatomy of asana

There are many types of physical exercise, but the yogic system of asanas (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘steady pose’) is the most complete, benefiting far more than just the physical body. The asana emphasyzes deep breathing, relaxed movements and mental concentration. The trikonasana is a pose that stretches the muscles

Getting Into Navasana

While seated on mat, lean body back along median plane Flex at hips to raise legs off ground along median plane Body should now be in a V shape Flex at shoulders to raise arms along median plane, to a parallel position with the floor  

Getting Into Baddha Konasana

Sit with legs out along median plane Lateral rotation of both thighs to bring legs away from median plane Bringing both soles along the transverse plane towards each other, place heels close to the groin. Press soles of feet together. Extend spine up along the coronal plane. With back straight,


In April 2011, Charl Schwartzel won the US Masters Golf tournament with one of the most extraordinary final round of golf.  I am not sure if he does yoga on the side but this is what he said: “You’ve got to really try and force yourself to stay in the

How to get into virabhadrasana II

Although it looks that warrior II is a very simple pose, to pose it in a correct alignment and hold for 2 to 3 minutes, is a very hard work. Because each muscle and joint below the waist, around the shoulders, around upper back and upper arms is keenly engaged

Yoga and Psoas Major

Psoas Major Psoas major is a polyarticular muscle, which runs inside body from lower back bone to its forward inward downward direction, front inner thigh bone, by crossing over pelvis. On its way, Psoas major combinds with Iliacus to form Iliopsoas. Actions of Psoas major are flexion and external rotation

Psoas major

Psoas major is a polyarticular muscle, which runs inside body from lower back bone to its forward inward downward direction, front inner thigh bone, by crossing over pelvis. On its way, Psoas major combinds with Iliacus to form Iliopsoas. Actions of Psoas major are flexion and external rotation of the
