Yoga Articles

Parivritta Trikonasana ( Revolved Triangle Pose)

Pronunciation and Meaning Parivritta Trikonasana par-ee-vrit-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna Parivritta = to turn around , revolve Tri = three Kona = angle This is a challenging pose . If you wobble or lose balance , it is alright , just try again  .  If your legs are shaking then your muscles are

Yoga Asanas for Digestion

Since young, my digestion had always been sluggish with irregular bowel movement. My stomach used to be really bloated even as a kid, my mom told me our family doctor once asked me if I put a balloon inside my tummy when I was four or five years old. Since

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This is one of my favorite restorative poses. I used to be in this pose when I was having long-distance phone calls with my boyfriend when I was overseas on my international student exchange program. So this pose brings a lot of memories to me! This pose is considered an


Virabhadrasana III Virabhadrasana III belongs among the other worrier poses to the most beneficial and powerful of all yoga poses. It requires concentration together with balance, strength as well as a good sense of body awareness. This posture can be practiced at any point during standing poses. There are none


I’m going to write about SIRSASANA, the king of all postures because ever since I started practicing yoga, it has been my ultimate goal to be able to perform this beautiful inversion. So needless to say how happy I’ve felt when I actually could bring myself up into a headstand

Sirsasana – headstand

Sirsasana – headstand How do you get into this pose: You get into Sirsasana by practicing first the Dolphin pose. Go on your four, make sure that hands on the floor are aligned with your shoulders and that pelvis is parallel to the floor; your legs are bent (knees on

Lesson Plan – Intermediate – Theme – Parivritta Trikonasana

Intermediate Lesson Plan – Theme : Parivritta Trikonasana (Assuming class is healthy and fit and has prior Yoga Experience)  Time: (60 mins) Set-up (10 min) Introduction – Explain theme asana & review muscles involved with Twisting / Revolving Triangle Check Student Levels and Medical Conditions Chant OM  3 times Ujjai

Anatomy and asana – Vriksasana (Tree pose)

The tree pose is one of the first pose that drawn me into yoga. Although it is not part of the Asthanga serie, it is an emblematic pose worth noting and exploring. I appreciate the contrast of strength and balance which is needed to hold the pose and the gracefulness

Body Awareness and Good Posture

Until this yoga training course opened my eyes, I had been oblivious to how the human body moves. My eccentric posture since I was a toddler features a funny slouch from protracting my shoulders, rounding my back, and tilting my hips in a posterior angle.  In addition, I am one

Breath Awareness

One of the most valuable nuggets from our anatomy sessions so far comes from understanding how breathing patterns affect the body.  Breathing can: 1)      Switch the body between activating the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system by changing the heart rate. 2)      Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the lungs in
