Yoga Articles

Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome   Before my YTT journey, I occasionally felt this pain on my upper legs especially when I walked too long, and due to some yoga practice, I thought it was my alignment of my feet and tried to walk abit differently to try things out to make my

Meditation meaning and benefits

Meditation meaning and benefits Meditation Meditation is also mentioned in the Ashtanga 8 limbs of yoga, particularly Dhyana. Like the physical practice of yoga, dhyana also forms a profound connection with the universe by doing mental exercises to bring you to a higher state of consciousness. This connection happens in

Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy – to your own story As a student, practitioner, and soon-to-be teacher, the philosophy of yoga has allowed me to create a deeper awareness; gaining awareness within, of oneself and with the interactions with the world. Yoga is not just bound to postures and alignments or the physical
