Asana – Sarvangasana

Also known as Shoulder Stand. Sarvangasana is an all limbs pose.
Sarva – Whole
Anga – Body Parts
Asana – Posture
This Asana is difficult for a beginner, especially for women with heavy hips like myself.
By using the right technique, breathing & dedication, I can now achieve this pose!
Method: –
–       Start by lying on your back. Hands by your side, palms flat on the mat. Legs closed together.
–       Inhale and raise both legs upwards to a 90-degree angle from your body whilst ensuring that the spine is straight at all times. Feel the upward lifting action.
–       Whilst exhaling, raise your waist and hips from the floor by pressing your palms solidly against the floor to give you leverage and take the legs backward over the head.
–       Inhale; raise the back and the legs up into a vertical position, placing the hands on the upper back for support.
–       You should have your elbows and shoulders touching the ground whist your hands are locking into your lower back for full support.
–       The chin should rest against the chest creating the chin lock.
The anatomic focus of this pose is on the neck, shoulders and abdomen.
The therapeutic applications for this Asana are Thyroid Disorders, Asthma, Reproductive System, Headache, Varicose Veins, Prevention of Coughs/Colds and Diabetes.