The Anahata Chakra

Chakras, which are energy centres in the body, move in circular motion creating an energy vortex. There are 7 main chakras and each of these are associated with particular functions in the body, as well as the way life issues are handled, both within self and interactions with the external environment. A deficient chakra does not receive the required energy and also not able to manifest energy appropriately. An excessive chakra is overpowering and becomes a dominating form. These imbalances may be developed with situational challenges or can be chronic (childhood experiences, cultural values) and affect one’s life. Thus, developing and balancing the chakras are essential to leading a healthy and joyful life.
The fourth chakra, the Anahata (heart chakra), lies in the centre of the chakra system. The physical position of this chakra is in the centre of the chest. The 12 petals of Anahata represent lustfulness, fraudulence, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination and an attitude of defiance.
Some qualities of the Anahata: Unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, understanding, openness, contentment.
And some negative qualities of the Anahata: Fear of love, heart problems, emotional instability such as jealousy and possessiveness.
When feeling fearful, there is no room for love and the body collapses inward, showing contraction. The mind overpowers the heart and therefore, thoughts rule the body, ignoring emotions. In backbending asanas, the heart is fully open, developing trust as the body surrenders into the poses. The head is also positioned lower than the heart in many backbending asanas, allowing the heart to take over the mind. In this way, Anahata can be stimulated, creating a balance in this chakra.
However, if the Anahata is overpowering, which can be seen with possessiveness, jealousy, dependency, high blood pressure etc, forwardbending asanas are the poses to go for. These asanas provide grounding and an inward-seeking effect. By looking inward and into self, nourishment which is expected to be found from the external can be discovered on the inside.
200-hr Mar’15 Weekday Batch