Yoga therapy for lumbar pain relief

Practices of Yoga were developed in India more than 6000 years ago. The 8 limps of Yoga helps people to grow freely, becoming a better person within a certain discipline and moral for the body and mind in harmony in the world and beyond. The Asana postures, 3rd limb, which means “seat still” were poses probably used as medicine and as prevention and to help to solve some conditions that people had at that time – and it is still used nowadays into a more developed way. Therefore it is without any surprise that we see Yoga Asana postures having so much in common with the Western Medicine Physiotherapy exercises.


Human being undergo daily physical activities (at work or within the practice of a sport) and psychological pressure witch often lead to stress and lower back pain injuries.


Yoga as a daily practice can help to prevent injury or even to recover from injuries such as lumbar herniated disc, sciatic or relieve symptoms caused by Chronic conditions like scoliosis or even lumbar degenerative disc disease.


This can be reached using a balanced of Asana posture, Dhahran meditation and Pranayama breathing techniques.


The Asana bring a physical stretch, strengthening and relaxation to the spine and muscles involved, while the breathing will support the same action bringing oxygen into the muscle. Meditation help balancing our mental and emotional well-being – forgetting about the past and not to be anxious about the future witch is very often the source of stress of many people nowadays.


Technically Yoga therapy could for instance consist by starting your day with a Pranayama exercise such as “Alternated Nostril Breathing” to purify the body and mind. Followed by a selection of Asana to warm up and stretch the lower back: Utthita Balāsana (Child Extended), Ananda Balāsana (Happy Baby), Supta Kapotāsana (Supine Pigeon), Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana (Bridge), Bhujaṅgāsana (Cobra), Adho Mukha Śvānāsana (Downward-Facing Dog). Then poses that strengthen the abdominal belt such as: Phalakāsana (the Plank), Nāvāsana (the Boat). Followed by poses that that stretch, twist and relax: Supta Jaṭhara Parivartānāsana (Supine Spinal Twist ), Marīchyāsana III (Marichi’s III). Lastly finish with a meditation time with ideally some chakra balancing. It can also be repeated in the evening in different variations.


In addition of back pain relief many people experience an increase of energy and decrease in depression that often accompany the physical back pain symptoms.

by Celine F –  March 2018