Stronger core, Healthier body

I was  drawn into Pilates due to the sports that i did. I was a competitive athlete in strongman & powerlifting.
For both sports , i used to be top 3 in Singapore. Due to lack of stretching,resting and the intense training that I pushed myself, I was suffering from pain and injuries.
The most serious was the displaced fracture in 2014 Aug that stopped me to compete in Sydney led me to think I should start doing something to my body.  I wanted to be more aware of my body and understand it more.
Pilates & Yoga came into my mind this year.
It helps me to understand my body more, reduces stress, balances the imbalances of my left and right side and having a stronger core also means I can perform better in everything.
My goal is to have a flexible strong body aesthetically and internally. Pilates & Yoga combined with the training that I do will achieve what i want.