Yoga Articles


Muscles activated or engaged, Cause and Effect Back Lateral Deltoid, flexed abducts the arms away from body Lower Trapezius keeps shoulders down and depressed slightly Middle Trapezius retracts shoulders Latissimus Dorsi will marginally prevent the Scapula from flaring Abdomen Internal Intercostals pull ribs in and down Internal & External Obliques

Anatomy of Pincha Mayurasana

Pincha Mayurasana Asana Technique Pincha Mayurasana is an inverted arm balancing pose. In this Asana you are resting on the forearms of both arms, which are positioned parallel to the sides of the mat. Hands are palms down flat on the floor with elbows are situated beneath the shoulders and

Something Sweet, Something Savoury

Sweet: Apple Pear & Pecan Crumble   I found this recipe here This is a vegan, gluten free and low glycemic index recipe.  You can add whatever fruit and berries you like! For the filling: 6 Large apples (peeled, cored and cut in 1 inch chunks) 3 Large pears (peeled,

CHAKRAS: A Commentary of the 7 Energy Centers in the Body

“The chakras are major junction points between consciousness and the body, and each one is associated with a specific vibration.” – Deepak Chopra and David Simon The 7 chakras, in order, are: Muladhara Swadhisthana Manipura Anahata Vishudda Anja Sahasrara These chakras can also be termed ‘The 7 Minds of Yoga’.

Muladhara Chakra

The Chakras are positioned along length of the spine and represent levels toward enlightment of the soul. The word Chakra can be translated to mean the Esoteric Energy Centre, so when we discuss the Chakras of the body we are discussing an enigmatic occurrence within our body and soul. The

Backbending (themed class) Lesson Plan

75 minutes approximately Introduction Sit, eyes closed, in butterfly, chest forward. Anahata chakra is located in your thoracic spine and translates to unstruck. This can mean that beneath our personal experiences of pain in our heart lies love and compassion. In today’s class we are going to be backbending. Backbending


Sirsasana or headstand is a pose that predominantly uses isometric contraction as the muscles contract to stabilize the body. In this pose the prime mover is the serratus anterior, shown in the image in red. This muscle originates from the ribs and inserts in the scapula with contraction drawing the

Pincha Mayurasana – Themed Intermediate / Advanced Lesson Plan

Introduction 5 Minutes Perceptions, how we perceive things by what we see, as to how they actually are.    Breathing Practice 5 Minutes Anuloma Vilmoa (Inhale Right 8, Exhale Left 16. Inhale Left 8, Exhale Right 16.) Repeat for 10 counts of 10 Rounds. Asanas Surya Namaskara A 5 Rounds


Yamas The first of the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga (or Raja) Yoga is the Yamas. The word Yama in Sanskrit translates in to English loosely to mean Restraint. Thus the first Limb of the practice of Ashtanga is to restraint in how you deal with the world outside of yourself.

Sattvic Foods

Quinoa and Raw desserts are sattvic foods I enjoyed during the course. I have included some information and recipes below. Quinoa: One topic discussed during the lunches of our 200hr teachers training course was the availability of vegetarian sources of protein other than soy. As it is the Year of
