Yoga Articles


In Sanskrit niyama means ‘observance’ and it comprises the second limb of Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga system.  These practices help to extend the ethical guidelines provided in the first limb, the yamas. Niyamas describe actions and attitudes that we should cultivate to help us maintain a positive environment in which to


Yamas are a form of moral commandments or goals within Hinduism, and specifically Raja Yoga.  Yama is a code of conduct for living that will help bring a compassionate death to the ego or “the lower self”.  The Yamas comprise the ‘shall-not-do’ list in regards to our interaction with the


We tend to take for granted people around us, services that we have so called “paid for”, everything in our life we take it as it was owed to us either because we’ve paid for it or because we believe we’ve earned it or simply because we think we deserve

Asana Practice Makes Me Happy

While plenty of other exercise regimes have always left me tired, worn out and sometimes grumpy at the end of the session, a yoga practice in contrast always makes me feel the exact opposite.  After finishing my mat time, I consistently feel refreshed, uplifted, energetic and, most surprising to me,

Savasana – My Favorite Pose?

Some people may think that Savanasana, or relaxation pose, at the end of your yoga practice is a hard earned break, or just a chance to lay down and finally relax for a moment.  I know some non-yogi friends who have seen the famous pose at the end of yoga

Arm Balances – Learning to Fly With Confidence

Many yoga practitioners today have a tendency to be intimidated by challenging-looking arm balance poses.  So many times my fellow yogi girlfriends give me the ‘not in this lifetime’ look when I point out asanas such as Bhujanpidanasa in yoga publications or on the web.  Interestingly enough, it’s not just

Pomegranate and cucumber salad

This recipe is yummy I got it from vegetarian living magazine. I tried it, husband loves it and my 9 year old too. I’ve made some alteration as I found the onion taste too strong. It’s a 6 serving recipe, it only contains 75 cals per serving and it is

On happiness, contentment and asanas

We are born to be content with the vital minimum, against the breast of a mother, feeling her warmth against the hushes of her heart beat. As we grow into adulthood, we are impregnated with do’s and don’ts, shoulds and shan’ts. Marketing, movies, parents, society, churches brainwash our minds with

The 8 Limbs of Yoga

The practice of yoga asana’s is dedicated to creating a union between body and the mind and in doing so prepares the practitioner for a deepening of their meditation practice.  However Yoga cannot be summed-up by only identifying it as the well-known practicing of asana’s or poses that most people
